Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ok, so veeery briefly, and mostly because I feel like such an awful blogger incase anyone's reading ...

Since my last post, things have kind of gone in a bit of a different direction. And by a bit I mean a bit more southwest... Mo and I moved to Austin, TX right after our wedding and we are enjoying our off-season amidst some good music, exciting nightlife, great people, and the never-more-beautiful sunshine!

We made the decision to move to Austin in the beginning of October on the basis that we should most definitely take advantage of being able to travel and spend the winter in the WARM while we have nothing tying us down. And what a great change of plans its been for us! We also didn't want to be rushed into making a buying decision so close to our wedding with all the planning and back and forth from Louisville to northern Ohio.

Aaaanyway, so now we are in the most beautiful, free, and interesting city I've ever set foot in. Its absolutely sublime and needless to say, we are loving every minute. We are sharing a space (cute little house) with D-Ray and all is going quite well.

The wedding was a giant success and more fun than you can imagine! (see photos via my facebook page) Married life is no different for Mo and I so far... blissful and humorous would be the two terms I think we both agree describe our marriage- what fun =)

So for now, we are enjoying our adventures immensely, counting our incredible blessings, and getting hip to our new relationship status... married. Cheers!

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