Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunless tanner & Jobless summer

Ok, so you may or may not know that I am a former tanning bed addict.  Yes, its true.  I have been tanning for a good part of my adolescence and young adult life... BUT, I recently dedicated myself to quitting the habit for good in an effort to save myself from looking like an old football some years down the road...  I am very proud to say that I have not been in a tanning bed since the end of May- and although I will admit, it has been a bit of a challenge, I know that it will be totally worth it.
To assist my cold-turkey quit, I have taken it upon myself to test some sunless self-tanners.  This is helping me ease out of the bad habit and has been quite successful thus far.  I had to blog about it because I am pretty stoked about the products I have tried so far.  I got the recommendation from an aesthetician friend of mine and I am really loving them!  For the face, I picked up a product from Too Faced called 'Tanning Bed in a Tube- FACE' and for the body I am using Shiseido's 'Brilliant Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Gel.'  They work really well and they don't smell bad at all.  They haven't come off too much on clothing- only when I'm really sweating or rub my skin hard.  I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a good tan without the skin damage.  I have included a picture of myself with the self-tanner on... not bad, eh?

On a totally unrelated note, my jobless summer has definitely been a different experience to say the least.  If you're not following my moves too closely, I'll briefly fill you in on the fact that I didn't end up taking the serving job at Lynn's Paradise Cafe because the week I was supposed to start is when Matt got called up to Cincinnati.  So, I was living there with him and then, true to our crazy life, he was optioned back to Louisville at the end of June.  In short, we decided that I would just hang tight without a job for the summer since we weren't sure how long we'd even stay in Louisville...
So, for the first time in about 9 years, I am not working.  And I am serious when I say, "for the first time."  I have been working every season, every year, every day just about since I was 14.  No breaks, no summers off, no school-years off... hence, being jobless is a very foreign thing to me.  And to be quite honest, I can't say that I am totally enjoying it.  I actually LIKE to work.  I like having my own (small) income and I like feeling like I am accomplishing something.  Most of my past jobs have given me a sense of purpose in my days and I've always enjoyed (for the most part) going to work.  It has been a real mental struggle for me to be able to accept the idea of taking a little time off and getting other things done (wedding planning, housework, travel plans) that don't require wearing a uniform or come for an exchange of money...  
Now, I am certainly not complaining because I am in no position to do that, however, I am saying that it isn't just as easy as snapping your fingers to go from a mindset of working all the time with a paycheck to not working at all and having to share one income.  Matt has helped me so much to be at ease with the situation.  I am so blessed to have such a good man by my side.   

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