Friday, February 5, 2010

60 days, starting... yesterday.

My mind and body have been craving a new challenge!  So, yesterday I started my own personal 60-day Bikram Yoga Challenge... 60 consecutive days of practicing Bikram!  Many Bikram studios across the U.S. started the challenge amongst the members of their studios at the beginning of the New Year.  Unfortunately, because we always make a move at the beginning of February, I am never able to participate in the group challenge- which is kind of a bummer but I always feed off their positive energy during the challenge so I feel like I am still benefiting.  This year, I wanted to test my mind and body and do the same challenge- just on my own timeline.  So, for February and March, I'll be practicing every day at the studio I've found about 3 miles from our condo in Goodyear, AZ- Bikram Yoga Avondale. 
I am so excited to have begun such an incredible journey for myself.  I know that there will be days when I don't feel like doing anything- and I'll have to be my own trainer and encourage myself to keep pushing on!  I am wanting to gain stronger focus on what is really important in my life and I know that practicing Yoga everyday will help me tremendously with that focus.  Its always been difficult for me to clear my head and truly live in the moment-- so I am putting my trust in myself and my practice that I will be given everything I need over these 60 days to get better at that. 
Why do a 60-day challenge?  "Bikram highly recommends practicing his yoga every day for 60 days, especially as a beginner. He says coming every day for two months is the best gift you could give yourself to get your body and mind young and supple and beautiful again.  60 day of Bikram Yoga will give you a new body, a new mind and new way of life  Not only will you improve your health and well being by participating and completing this Challenge, you will learn that anything is possible when you set your mind to it. You will "Break Through Your Limits."  Bikram says you have to break down before you can break through... and the 60-day challenge has the power to do this for you!"
I am also doing the challenge as a way to support Matt during his journey through February and March at Reds Spring Training Camp.  I feel that if we are both fighting for something we love and doing something we are so passionate about, we can really help one another have a positive and life-changing experience.  I want to be working just as hard as my husband and using my natural gifts!  I'm certain this will deepen our connection to one another and we will also learn to appreciate more, the hard work that both our minds and bodies are capable of. 
 All of your positive thoughts, energy, encouragement and prayers are always appreciated!  

The move to Goodyear went fantastic!  The truck was completely full... with just a wee bit of space in the pack for the dogs to sleep- atop many bags and blankets. We split the drive up (from Austin to Goodyear- 15 hours) and did it in two days.  We are loving the furnished condo we have rented for the next 2 months with D-Ray and we're enjoying the beautiful sunshine that has been out the past week!  I will admit, I'm not totally in love with the dry desert and the brownish vegetation that covers the landscape... but its only 2 months- I can embrace it for that long (but I miss GREEN Austin so very much!!!).  The dogs are content- another move, another new home, more new trails to explore... Speaking of new trails, I decided to check out Estrella Mountain National Park today with the pups in tow- I was looking for a good 4-mile walk like the path we'd do in Austin.  Unfortunately, I wasn't careful enough when reading the map and our normal 4-miler turned into and 8-mile hiking adventure for 2 hours (and hour longer than usual!!) while I tried to figure out how to get back to the truck, or even the path!  Sadly, we were lost for a while in the hot, dry heat- poor Lucy and Gus on rough terrain without any water- panting the whole way.  They were so grateful to get home and have food and water and have been sleeping ever since!  Oops! 

Anyhow, as my last post describes, we have lots to look forward to over the next 2 months... leisurely activities, visiting with family and friends, and good challenges for the both of us!  Woo hoo! Bring it on. 

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